[COE Seminar] 2023/10/03: "Integrated Microfluidics for Bioassay" - Prof. Bor-Ran LI, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

11210E500100 College of Engineering Seminar

▸ Integrated Microfluidics for Bioassay

❝ Recent advances in microelectronics and electrochemical sensing platforms have preceded the development of devices for personal monitoring and managing physiological and metabolic information that exploit sweat as a noninvasive, convenient approach for providing information about underlying health conditions, such as glucose level monitoring. Although most sweat glucose sensors have targeted applications during exercise and other active stimulation induced-sweat, natural sweating offers an attractive alternative with minimal effect on users that can be accessed during routine and sedentary activities without impeding personal lifestyle and preserves the correlation between blood and sweat glucose. Here, we present a noninvasive sweat glucose sensor with convenient hydrogel patches for rapid sampling of natural perspiration without external activities that stimulate sweating. The wearable hydrogel patch rapidly takes up natural sweat from the hand and serves as a medium for electrochemical sensing. A prussian blue-doped poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene nanocomposite (PB-PEDOT NC) electrode provides cost-effective, stable and excellent electrocatalytic activity in sweat glucose measurements. We demonstrated sweat glucose sensor functionality by long-term measurements of glucose in sweat from human subjects consuming food and drinks. By enabling the analysis of sweat glucose during routine and sedentary activities, the sweat glucose sensor shows great promise for clinical-grade glucose management and enlarges the scope of next-generation noninvasive sensing systems.

1.    Rapid detection of live bacteria in water using nylon filter membrane-integrated centrifugal microfluidics. CH Chang, CL Wang, BR Li*., Biosensors and Bioelectronics 236, 115403 (2023)
2.    Design of a gradient-rheotaxis microfluidic chip for sorting of high-quality Sperm with progressive motility. CH Huang, CH Chen, TK Huang, F Lu, JYJ Huang, BR Li*., iScience 26 (8) (2023)
3.    Development of a Vertical Bubble Acoustic Microfluidic Sputum Liquefier for Improved Cancer Cell Detection. CH Chang, HH Nien, BR Li*., Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 134356 (2023)
4.    Wearable Microfluidics for Continuous Assay. PH Lin, HH Nien, BR Li*., Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 16 (2023)
5.    Hand-Powered Point-of-Care: Centrifugal Microfluidic Platform for Urine Routine Examination (μCUREX). SH Kuo, A Peraro, HP Lin, CH Chang, BR Li*., Langmuir 39 (5), 1897-1904 (2023)
6.    Wearable hydrogel patch with noninvasive, electrochemical glucose sensor for natural sweat detection. PH Lin, SC Sheu, CW Chen, SC Huang, BR Li*., Talanta 241, 123187 (2022)

▸ Prof. Bor-Ran LI
▸ Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Short Bio
❝ Dr. Bor-Ran Li received his B.S. and M.Sc. degree from the Department of Applied Chemistry, National Chiao-Tung University in Taiwan. Following this, he serviced as a research assistant at Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, and then moved to Scotland and obtained his Ph.D. degree in chemistry & biochemistry from Edinburgh University, UK. Currently, he is the associate professor in Institute of Biomedical Engineering (BME), National Chiao Tung University (NCTU). His interests are focused on the design and fabricate various bio-sensors for the clinical diagnosis. ❞

▸ 2023/10/03 (TUE) 13:20 ~ 15:10

▸ Classroom 202, Chemical Engineering Building