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[COE Seminar] 2025/03/18: "From Clinical Needs to Research and Development: The Innovation Path of POCT" - Dr. Cheng-Han CHEN, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
[COE Seminar] 2025/03/11: "Nickelate Superconductivity: a New Paradigm of High-Temperature Superconductivity" - Prof. Yu-Te HSU, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, NTHU
[COE Seminar] 2025/03/04: "Materials and Electrode Design for Practical Electrolysis" - Prof. Yung-Tin PAN, Department of Chemical Engineering, NTHU
[COE Seminar] 2025/02/25: "Microfluidic Advanced Process for Chemical and Biological Applications" - Prof. Jen-Huang HUANG, Department of Chemical Engineering, NTHU
[COE Seminar] 2024/12/17: "Achieving Net-Zero Emission by CO2 Capture" - Prof. Yu-Jeng LIN, Department of Chemical Engineering, NTHU
[COE Seminar] 2024/12/10: "Biomedical Electronic Devices" - Prof. Ting-Wei WANG, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, NTHU
[COE Seminar] 2024/12/03: "Design and Synthesis of Semiconducting Polymers for Nature-Inspired Electronics and Energy" - Prof. Ho-Hsiu CHOU, Department of Chemical Engineering, NTHU
[COE Seminar] 2024/11/19: "Nanoscale 3D Printing of Silica Glass for the Fabrication of Versatile and Durable Microsystems" - Prof. Po-Han HUANG, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, NTHU
[COE Seminar] 2024/10/22: "3th generation of CALPHAD unary phase data – example study of AlZn system" - Dr. Ondřej Zobač, Institute of Physics of Materials, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic
[COE Seminar] 2024/10/15: "Blue Light Hazards and Methods of Resolution" - Prof. Jwo-Huei JOU, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, NTHU
[COE Seminar] 2024/10/08: "AI Connectomics" - Prof. Ann-Shyn Chiang, Institute of Biotechnology, NTHU
[COE Seminar] 2024/10/01: "Privacy-preserving Edge Intelligence System" - Prof. Te-Chuan CHIU, Department of Computer Science, NTHU